Making Work Meaningful and Sustainable in the New Economy - The 7 keys to regaining control of your life, work, and destiny
series key 5: Build Your Own Boat…
(and, not just a life raft)
- your "boat" is your escape vehicle.
- your "boat" must be a safe, reliable "escape vehicle".
- your "boat" is your business, your enterprise, your freedom and independence.
- your "boat" is your dream and vision manifested.
Noah built the ark before it was raining… and the work was done on his own time and in addition to his “real job”.
"Don't wait. The time will never be just right." — Napoleon Hill
Create something new...
A new way to do something old… use tried and true principles with innovative application.
"We are all self-made, but only the successful will admit it." — Earl Nightingale
Do it better, do it differently, do it relevantly.
-The 7 keys to regaining control of your life, work, and destiny
Overview: Making Work Meaningful and Sustainable in the New Economy
- The 7 keys to regaining control of your life, work, and destiny
series - key 1: Stay Connected - The 7 keys to regaining control of your life, work, and destiny
series - key 2: Innovate - The 7 keys to regaining control of your life, work, and destiny
series - key 3: Volunteer - The 7 keys to regaining control of your life, work, and destiny
series - key 4: Get a Job - The 7 keys to regaining control of your life, work, and destiny
series - key 5: Build Your Boat- The 7 keys to regaining control of your life, work, and destiny
series - key 6: Sail Away on Your Boat- The 7 keys to regaining control of your life, work, and destiny
series - key 7: Live Your Dream - The 7 keys to regaining control of your life, work, and destiny